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Friday, January 3, 2014

Chicken Chicken Chicken...

I am sewing the CHICKEN letters together..

As you can see there isn't a lot of wiggle room. Since the letters aren't exactly the same size, when I sewed them together, I centered them horizontally.

The strip is extremely flexible at this stage, and can get stretched out very easily, so as soon as I have a word sewn together, I trim it and add stabilizing strips to the top and bottom. First, of course, the word has to be trimmed straight.

Here's the finished Chicken word panel. This one is 4-3/4" x 23-1/4"


  1. Most excellent "chicken." I'm in love with the chicken wire background fabric.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  2. You do need something, Lynne... I'm thinking it's help that you need. LOL
    You are one crazy chick.


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