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Monday, December 30, 2013

Got Chicken?

I'm toying with the arrangement of the words for the Chicken quilt. I think it needs more chicken and possibly more flying geese.

Can you spot the new jokes? One should be fairly obvious. Another, not so much.

In every quilt I put in a few jokes, and a few surprises. If you remember this post, and read all the way to the end, you'll see I had some fun with the word SALAD.  To wit: I turned the second A on it's side. (Remember, we're getting TIRED of chicken.)

In this photo, I've done the same kind of somersault with another letter. Which is it?  If you click the photo, then click again, you can enlarge it and that may help you to find it, although you don't need to do that to find the funny letter.

The object directly above the K in chicken isn't the other joke, although I do plan to use that little guy (hint: it's a fox) someplace else.

The forks are part of the joke, but I haven't really figured out the best way to use them yet.

Happy hunting, and keep checking back. I plan to have a lot more fun with letters before I'm through.


  1. I don't see either joke so far - must be my sleepy eyes or you are too clever. I think the L in Let should be taller - what do you think? Looking good!!

  2. I see a single fork and a group of forks, is that it?? Also, I can't make out what is under the T in THE. Is that a fortune cookie? I thought you were going to have too many words but they don't take up as much room as I thought. Very creative.

  3. Love where you are going. I see a mirror image of a letter.

  4. I must be on my game today because it (I think it's "IT") was the first thing I ssaw. Love your chicken and NO, I never get tired of chicken......I must be a chicken hawk!!

  5. This is coming along great! I love the color palette and the backwards letter.

  6. Yes, Judy, the L in "LET" should be taller. In fact, I want it to be REDDER too.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.